Tuesday 19 March 2013

Cycle the Annapurna Circuit


The famed Annapurna circuit might be dying a death as one of the world's great hiking trails, but it's emerging as one of the great aspirational mountain bike tours. Would you dare the brave the 5416M pass on two wheels?

Distance: 300 KM
Location: Annapurna Region, Nepal
Ideal Time Commitment: 2 weeks
Best Time of Year: March to April, October to November

  • Challenging yourself to cycle across a high suspension bridge over the Marsyangdi River.
  • Sharing the thrill and the view of Thorun La with your bike.
  • Mingling with pilgrims and sadhus at Muktinath, with its temple holy to both Hindus and Buddhists.
  • Soaking away the cycling knots in your body in the concrete hot springs at Tatopani.
  • Paying homage to the mountains and mountaineers at Pokhara's International Mountain Museum.
 The circuit is a highly technical tour, far different from anything most people will have cycled. This is partly because some of the rail cannot be cycled at all; this is a tour on which you'll be pushing almost as much as pedaling- welcome to the sport of hike and bike. By some estimates, more than 20% of the tour is unrideable, including most of the ascent to Thorung La. The term unrideable is part of the challenge and besides, that 80% that you do try and ride, is absolutely  epic.
When you do reach the pass, your front wheels making it seconds before you, the world opens up. From among the prayer flags, the scene takes in the Great Barrier ridge, the Annapurnas, rocky Thorungste and the barren Kali Gandaki valley far below.

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